10 Effective Ways To Eliminate Acne Scars!

Submitted by: Judy Aulin

Most of us have been unfortunate enough to have persistent acne problems, with ugly lesions and other marks and scars that linger and never seem to go away. If this is you, start researching now how to get rid of acne scars and the many available acne scar repair options out there.

Macules appear as if scars, but are not actual scars. They don’t protrude and are reddish in color due to being the final stage of an acne lesion. They can last up to 6 months after the lesion has finished its course, but will eventually disappear without a permanent mark. Post-Inflammatory Pigmentation is another mark (discoloration of skin) that healing acne lesions might leave behind. This occurs most often in darker-skinned people vs. fair skinned. Lasting longer with sun exposure, these skin discolorations can endure for a year and a half. Ice Pick Scars are the most common acne scar, with a narrow, sharp-punctured appearance, typically appearing on the cheeks. Because these scars are very deep, skin surfacing treatments are often not enough to eliminate their appearance. Box Car Scars are roundish grooves in the skin with sharp, vertical rims. These scars, found on the temples and cheeks, can be shallow or profound. Rolling Scars have an undulating appearance, caused by the skin being attached abnormally to the subcutaneous tissue below. They vary in length but are generally longer than other acne scars. Hypertrophic Scars are raised scars that reveal themselves with a pinkish or reddish tone.

10 Acne Scar Treatments

The beauty and cosmetics industry has made successful advances in acne scar treatment. Check out the following acne scar removal products and treatments for the one right for you:

1. Acne Treatment as Prevention

Clear your skin as a first step! Eliminating acne is the most effective way to prevent post-lesion scarring. If you don’t have inflamed lesions, you won’t need acne scar removal.

2. Acne Scar Removal Cream

Topical creams that contain tretinoin or alpha-hydroxy acids can improve acne and reduce the appearance of staining and scars with gentle exfoliating action and stimulation of collagen production.


3. Natural Acne Scar Removal

Onion extract and muciin both reduce inflammation of scars. Onion extract also works to reduce collagen production for hypertrophic scars. On the other hand, mucin encourages collagen and elastin production to replace the damaged scar tissue.

4. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels unfortunately are not the most effective way to treat scars, however, they do work wonders on post-inflammatory pigmentation caused by acne.

5. Injections

Raising or soothing inflamed scars, injections are another option. They are most effective on scars that have smooth edges, like rolling scars. If applying tension at the scar edges improves the appearance, filler injections will improve the scar. Steroid injections decrease inflammation and depress hypertrophic and/or keloid scars.

6. Non-Ablative Collagenosis

Non-ablative collagenosis includes collagen production therapy with the use of laser and radiofrequency devices; this is safe on the superficial layer of skin. This involves laser and radiofrequency devices that enhance collagen production in deep skin layers, without affecting the epidermis.

7. Microdermabrasion

This treatment involves a series of sessions where a very thin layer of skin is abraded away with crystals, often aluminum, carrying away fine scars and stains.

8. Photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation uses laser or broadband visible light to stimulate new collagen protein formation.

9. Scar Revision

This procedure excises acne scars, leaving behind a linear scar (as opposed to a circular scar). Scar revision works well for scars that are in very noticeable areas, like the face. This works well for ice pick and boxcar scars. Subcision is a process specific for rolling scars where scars are uncut from skin tissue below. For further results, filler substances can be injected into the area cut.

10. Resurfacing: Ablative Laser Treatments and Dermabrasion

Scarred and damaged skin cells are removed with the lasers, jumpstarting new skin cell production. It also stimulates deeper layer collagen formation. Dermabrasion removes surface layer problems with abrasive wire or brush. Many experts consider this the best acne scar removal first step treatment for extensive scarring.

Frustrated? Don’t be. You can find a solution within a new line of biological products, whether you want a dermabrasion or laser resurfacing post-treatment soother or maintenance cream or a microdermabrasion treatment. With the anti-microbial and skin rejuvenating properties of mucin, BIOSKINCARE exfoliates and digests damaged skin tissue, rebuilds skin, prevents acne breakouts and stimulates collagen and elastin production.

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